Monthly Archives: October 2015

News and media, social media and more news and media…

Its news and media but it is a totally different way to see news and media, we are all used to seeing news and media like it’s spread over the Internet by the big networks that are usually politically divergent and therefore the news comes the way they want you to hear it and not exactly how it occurred and happened, so therefore if you want to know about Social Media News but you would like to hear it the way it actually occurs, if you would like to know the background of all the news, if you would like to know all the news the way it should be said because that’s the way it actually happened, do you want to know what Facebook is doing behind your back? , Do you want to know how bad Twitter is developing its third-party apps? This is all stuff that no one else will do to tell you, this ghetto lawsuits, however this blog here will tell it to you straight out and that’s why I think it deserves that you visit it.

the news blog

Than if you looking for global news, news and double talk about anything there’s a place called Moar Funny News, but it’s not just funny news, it is alternative news in all ways and this is another website that I think you should visit immediately.

Now thats a creative name for a review blog now isn’t it?!

I’ve really never heard of funny gossip news, I heard a funny news, I’ve heard of gossip news, but I really haven’t heard of funny gossip news LOL, anyhow that’s the title of this blog and it blends in a bit of both funny and gossip, and as this is the first blog post on our website and order be called to bring up something that we would have been checking out for quite some time it is a Entertainment and Celebrity News website independent and says the news exactly the way it happens.

hot celebrities

It was Thomas F Cheng that brought this to my attention, I was a little skeptical initially but when I noticed that it was bringing out news several times a day from credible resources I thought to myself that they must be connected really well to Hollywood and the must know a lot of people on the inside of Hollywood in order to get this news faster than anyone else.

Another news and entertainment website that Thomas brought to my attention was a place called MOAR News and I also found this with massive potential, it is a website that yet has to be discovered, it is a website that yet has to be seen on the major search engines, but it really does say a lot of good news and in this case as well it tells you the news the way it actually happens.