Actually there are hundreds of different kinds of news and media websites, however there are very few that actually do bring you just like the website listed in this paragraph, that is a contextual link in bold text that you can click on if you wish and you can visit that website so that you can have a clear idea on why I say this is a very unique Weird News resource, I do wish that some of you could kindly give us your input and let us know if you also do believe this is a pretty cool concept and something very original when it comes down to funny news and everything that surrounds it.

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Another very cool concept is this blog that is also listed as you can see with a contextual link in this other paragraph that offers Celebrity News. Now, one would say we are really not at a very original stage as there are hundreds or even thousands of celebrity websites out there on the World Wide Web. Where you would be wrong, it is a matter of fact that this is one of the very few if not the only entertainment website that talks about Hollywood and everything that surrounds it and will do so simply bringing you the news exactly the way it happened without inventing anything, without avoiding anything, without editing anything, it’s just said the way it should.